Welcome Dream Shopping
The shopping experience It turns what was until now the unpleasant payment procedure at the checkout into an unforgettable experience, which just cries out to be communicated to friends and acquaintances. Increased competitive forces in retail trade. Fundamental alternative to gaining competitive commercial advantages over competitors by using hope-building measures from the field of marketing.
It takes your customers to the next shopping level!
The customer finds out as soon as they have paid, whether they personally benefit More and more customers are getting lost in the jungle of discounts offered by the chain stores. Even professional bargain hunters are about to lose their overview over the numerous special-offer prices. The exception has become the rule - it is difficult to keep your bearings.
Customers have been unable to understand price comparisons in stores for a while!
In this situation a revolutionary, new system offers a remedy: Dream Shopping™. The principle is simple: The customer buys one or several goods and at the checkout their personal advantage is calculated and displayed at the terminal after payment. The maximum advantage is 100 percent of the value of the purchased goods.
Additional advantage at no extra cost - shopping becomes more emotional for the customer. For retail trade the system is an opportunity: Discount policies which are becoming more and more complex are leading to growing customer frustration - Dream Shopping™ is the clear, comprehensible answer.